The Vaquita

One species that is endemic to the Gulf of California is a porpoise called the Vaquita (va·​qui·​ta) this creature lives along the northern edge of the Vermilion Sea. Unfortunately, acts of human encroachment (particularly fisherman) have severely dwindled the population of this exotic animal to the point of endangerment. The primary cause of death is them being caught in the nets of fisherman who are fishing for the Totoaba and other species of fish, and since they are mammals the ones caught in the nets essentially drown to death. Currently, it is believed that there are only thirty members of this species alive today, but other sources say there are less than twenty now. At this rate, extinction is inevitable, but time will tell. The picture to the left is of a skeleton of the creature and the one to the right is either a plastic or ceramic figure of what a Vaquita looks like.


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