We took a LONG boat ride down to Bird Island on Saturday August 18th. This was my first time being on a boat for such a long time and honestly it was such an amazing experience. The ride there was 3 hours to the island itself. While riding to the island we took time to look into the ocean and even in the air at the species we were able to see on our way! There were many birds and different fish, one bird being the Brow Booby. When we got to the island we were able to see so many Sea Lions and their pups, there were also many different birds. Many got the opportunity to scuba dive while others were able to snorkel. Being in the water with curious curious Sea Lions is a very surreal feeling. On the way home we even were able to see dolphins which were swimming along our boat!

 The day was one I will never forget and I feel so grateful and happy for the knowledge I gained!


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