The Morua Estuary!

Before going to the Estuary we learned many interesting things about it from Dr. C and Aaron. They informed us that the Estuary is where the salt and fresh water meet. It is a very different type of  living situation so only certain types of organisms can survive in it. In the Morua Estuary there is also a Oyster Farm ran by all women that has been there for a long time. We actually had the opportunity to be in the Estuary by Kayaking through it, the high winds made it a little bit of a challenge though. Once kayaking we were able to see tons of fiddler crabs, and different birds which included; Oyster Catchers and Least Turns. Not only were there animal species but there was a lot of plantation that was there, it also has to adapt to the harsh conditions of the Estuary. Some plants we found were the Salicornia which has been used for eating particularly in fancy restaurants. Another plant we found was the Salt Warts which was much like a succulent in its appearance. It was a great experience and I loved learning about what all goes on in the Morua Estuary and how it contributes to Puerto PeƱasco. 


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